Stock Code : 002848
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招聘职位: DVB Software Engineer
发布时间: 2017 - 08 - 01
Recruiting Numbers 2
Recruitment Department
Working Place DVB Software Engineer

Job Responsibilities:

1, Responsible for the linux system DVB business development and maintenance

2, Responsible for the android system framework in the DVB business development and maintenance

3, Competent for other work

Job Requirements:

1, Bachelor degree or above, familiar with C, C ++ language

2, Skilled GDB and other debugging tools, and skilled use of embedded system development (linux system)

3, Familiar with the java language, there are three years and above android system and framework development experience

4, With good learning ability, research and development ability to analyze, to write a document, a good communication skills and teamwork awareness, strong anti-pressure

5, With MID, TV, set-top boxes, network play boxes and other development experience

招聘职位: Overseas Sales
发布时间: 2017 - 08 - 01
Recruiting Numbers 2
Recruitment Department
Working Place Shenzhen

Job Responsibilities:

1, Responsible for the relevant regional market development, research work;

2, Work with production, research and development and other relevant departments for technical communication, quality communication, project management process;

3, Management, maintenance of customer relationships and long-term strategic cooperation between customers plan;

4, Develop sales plans to complete sales targets.

Job Requirements:

1, Bachelor degree or above, proficient in English listening and speaking, with DVB with industry sales experience;

2, With more than 3 years overseas sales experience, more than 1 year sales project operation and management experience;

3, With strong organizational coordination, communication skills and learning ability;

4, With a clear idea of the operation of the sales project, good at customer relations and customer relationship management;

5, Honest and trustworthy, have a good professional ethics;

6, Proactive, passionate

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