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招聘职位: Microwave communication system and microwave compo
发布时间: 2017 - 08 - 01
Recruiting Numbers 2
Recruitment Department


Working Place Chengdu

1, Requirements:

(1) Education: Bachelor degree or above

(2) Professional: microwave circuit professional

(3) Work experience: 3 years of design work experience is preferred

2, Skills

(1) Familiar with the commonly used microwave design analysis software ADS, HFSS and other use;

(2) Can complete the C ~ Ka band of the local oscillator, microwave up and down the inverter design;

(3) Can complete the C ~ Ka band microwave low noise amplifier and power amplifier design;

(4) Familiar with the use of microwave basic test equipment;

(5) Familiar with the test methods of microwave devices;

(6) With digital microwave communication system equipment design experience is preferred;

(7) Has the satellite communication system microwave transceiver component design experience is preferred;

(8) Has a good team spirit and professionalism.

招聘职位: Structural Design of Radio and TV Transmitter Refr
发布时间: 2017 - 08 - 01
Recruiting Numbers 2
Recruitment Department


Working Place Chengdu

1, Requirements:

(1) Education: college or higher

(2) Professional: electronic structure or related professional

(3) Work experience: 3 years of design work experience is preferred

2, Skills

1, With liquid cooling system design experience, can be independent of the relevant system research and development

2, With high-power radio and television transmitter liquid cooling system design experience is preferred

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